How to Handle Tough or Tender

Say It Now! Say It Right! should be required reading for CEOs, leaders, managers… anyone who has ever hesitated to speak up in critical moments in business, relationships, and life. You will dramatically improve your influence, impact, and income when you learn to SAY IT NOW! and SAY IT RIGHT!
-- David Newman, author of "Do It! Marketing"
Keeping silent in critical moments in business, relationships, organizations -- life moments -- results in lost opportunity, broken relationships, disastrous decisions, and lost money, time, morale and creativity.
SAY IT NOW! SAY IT RIGHT! is a straightforward and humorous look at the serious problem people and organizations face by not speaking up, sharing ideas, voicing concerns or disagreeing with bad decisions.
Despite the digital revolution, we are connecting more but communicating less. SAY IT NOW! SAY IT RIGHT! gives tips and techniques to find your voice and speak up at those critical moments in a way that your message has impact and acceptance.
Mary Nestor's book, SAY IT NOW! SAY IT RIGHT! reminds us of the urgency and importance of our communication skills. We often realize this; however, rarely has anyone given us the words and guide for the many situations we find ourselves in. The situations themselves may be unplanned; however, with Mary's book you will not be unprepared.
Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE; Past President, National Speakers Association
SAY IT NOW! SAY IT RIGHT! Is a no-nonsense, straightforward book about a very important topic in business and interpersonal relationships today. Mary Nestor provides solid content and presents it through engaging stories readers can relate to with practical tips to use immediately. This book should be required reading for anyone in business and government leadership positions.
Dr. Tony Alessandra, author of "Communicating at Work" and "The Platinum Rule"
With honesty, humor, and solid advice, Mary Nestor shows us how to find our voice,summon our courage, and have the often uncomfortable or difficult conversations we have been avoiding. Say It Now! Say It Right! is a must-have guide for personal use, and is equally indispensable in the workplace.
Chaz Pitts-Kyser, author of Careeranista: The Woman's Guide to Success After College
Say It Now! Say It Right! should be required reading for CEOs, leaders, managers… anyone who has ever hesitated to speak up in critical moments in business, relationships, and life. You will dramatically improve your influence, impact, and income when you learn to SAY IT NOW! and SAY IT RIGHT!
David Newman, author of "Do It! Marketing"
This fast-moving, entertaining book gives you exact words to say to feel confident and in control of any conversation.
Brian Tracy, Author of "Speak to Win"
Its time someone spoke out on speaking up! Read this book and turn up your volume for success now!!
Jeffrey Hayzlett, Primetime TV & Podcast Host, Chairman C-Suite Network
This brilliant book is a communication roadmap to strategically guide you from where you are to where you want to be. Do you want healthy, supportive relationships wherein everyone feels safe enough to express their needs in a clear, concise and respectful way? Then buy this book. In fact, buy several copies so you can share it with people you love and/or work with. Watch everyone's life transform for the better!
Linda Larsen, author of 12 Secrets to High Self-Esteem
Mary's book is filled with stories and anecdotes pulled from her life experiences to illustrate how SAYING IT NOW! and SAYING IT RIGHT! can influence the success or failure of companies, businesses, relationships, leadership and communities. She shares her successes—and failures—in a humorous, straightforward and compelling way, with tips, techniques and scripts to help you SAY IT NOW! and SAY IT RIGHT! in any situation.
Out Now!
For an autographed copy, email Mary at