Welcome to the relaunch of MJN Consulting’s Website and the maiden voyage of my new blog, “Just Fine…Offline! I’ll dispense with crashing a bottle of bubbly over the laptop, since that would be mean the first AND last blog, so here we go.
This blog will span a variety of topics, all about your offline life. I’m not a techie. I just know enough to power up whatever needs to be powered and can navigate the new technology and am a quick study. Walk down the street, jog, go to shopping, drive down the street, go out for dinner, attend a meeting and you can see that the majority of the population is online…talking on smartphones, texting, IMing, playing games, checking up on social media, watching a video or Skypeing (is that a word?). The digital world doesn’t need another blog about technology. At least not from me.
This blog will be about real communication and the ability to interact with real people. I write a lot about jobs and careers and the workplace. I hear it from employers from every industry, private and public sector, non-profits—you name it. They need people who can communicate. Write a real sentence. Give a presentation. Put two thoughts together. Disagree effectively. Give and receive feedback.
They need people who have a decent work ethic…just the basics, please, like show up every day on time—every time. Do your job. Be a learner. Ask questions. Contribute your ideas to help improve the situation. What does it take to be employable in the brave new workplace?
I hear from people in various stages of employment. How do I get a job? How do I leave my job? How do I move up in the company? How can I keep it together after I’ve lost a job? How can I survive my miserable boss and annoying co-workers?
This blog will cover what I’m interested in and ideas and suggestions from you, the readers. What do you want to discuss? Get more information about?
I’m a pretty direct, no-nonsense kind of person. That has served me well and for ill over the past years in my career. I’ve reinvented myself several times, and have learned a lot of lessons that I’ll share. I believe that there is always a solution to every problem. That life is a series of lessons, and it is a great adventure. If you feel like giving up…wait until tomorrow. You would never want to leave the dock one day before your ship comes in. It’s never the right time to give up. As my sister, Veronica once told me when I was moaning and groaning about a decision I had to make once said, “Mary, do something! And if that doesn’t work, do something else!” So simple, but yet profound.
I’ll share my experiences as an employee, manager, executive, business owner, entrepreneur, professional speaker, corporate trainer and freelance writer. And once in a while, throw in some off-the-wall information like how to save money or make some extra cash.
Life has its ups and downs. It’s easy to be happy when things are up. Everyone needs a little help when things are down. Lots of people have experienced the down-side of life and work with the recession, and I’ll share some tips on making it and staying sane and even happy during the down times.
What do you want to discuss or read about in this blog? Let me know, and I’ll take a stab at it. Until then, go to MaryJNestor.com to see what’s new for your offline life.